Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Nice Rides on Rodeo

Back to work after a nice, long three-day weekend. Those are the best and one of the very reasons why I love working for a government agency. Yesterday, hubby and I strolled along Rodeo Drive for window shopping and I noticed an incredible sense of luxury the locals exuded. Call me a true "Downtowner" having lost her Westside roots, but I was floored with the repeated $1,000,000+ cars whizzing by me. I guest I was desensitized after having lived in the Westside for over three years. Now, with my Downtown LA address for nearly a year, I notice every luxury car that drives past! It doesn't mean that I don't get my fair share of folks made wealthy by the entertainment industry, its just that the ones in downtown don't appear nearly as drenched with money that those "Westsiders."

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