Monday, February 11, 2008

Bear or Bull Market

All this talk about the US in a recession is getting me nervous. I am a "Nervous Nelly" to begin with, and now, with the debate of whether we are or are not in a recession being played out in the media each day, the money talk can be a bit overwhelming for a constant worrier like me.

While we are on the subject, Ken and I got a few stock tips from my uncle this past weekend at my family's annual SF Chinese New Year dinner. Uncle A suggested that we buy stock in Wells Fargo, B of A, or any of the other banking outfits flailing in the subprime crisis. He apparently made a ton of money on stocks when he bought bundles for each of his two children shortly after they were born. Good tip to keep in mind . . .

As for the stocks, I am definitely looking into it. I have never owned stocks before and in the past, it was more appropriate for me to flip to the sales or movie sections of the paper before even peeking in the business section, but now that I am getting up there in age, I feel it is time to look toward the future instead of the immediate present and my need for cool jeans for a party tonight. With a cursory (5 minutes tops) search on Google , I found the following websites:

Cool blog about investing written by a Stanford grad with a book deal:

Blog about solar energy and reference to performance of stock companies:

Scottrade which has an office in Pasadena:

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